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부추속 식물들 비교 : 부추, 산부추, 참산부추, 세모산부추, 세모부추, 둥근산부추, 갯부추, 돌부추, 선부추, 실부추, 털실부추, 두메부추, 좀부추, 강부추, 한라부추, 한라세모부추, 산달래

by 심자한2 2022. 9. 4.

2022년 국가표준식물목록에 등재된 부추속 식물들부터 살펴


부추속 : 부추, 가는산, 각시두메, 갯, 노랑, 돌, 두메, 둥근산, 북수백산파, 산, 선, 실, 애기실, 울릉산마늘, 좀, 참두메, 털실, 한라, 달래, 산달래, 마늘, 산마늘, 극동산마을, 울릉산마늘, 조선마늘, 나도산마늘, 둥근산마늘, 파, 양파, 쪽파, 산파
물부추속 : 물부추, 가는, 제주, 참, 한라, 





ABSTRACT Here I report a little-known Allium species from the border area of China and North Korea. This taxon, A. spurium G. Don is occasionally confused with A. spirale Willd. because of its more or less similar growth habit, but the most distinctive characters include narrower leaf blades and rhomboid scapes in cross-section. In addition, A. spurium is recognized as tetraploid species, whereas A. spirale proved to be diploid. Detailed photographs of A. spurium are provided together with complete descriptions including information on nomenclatural types, synonymy, distributions and specimens examined.



1. Leaf sheaths buried under ground; leaf blades leathery, lustrous; perianths campanulate; inner tepals ovate-elliptical; inner filaments entire at margin.

    2. Leaf blades 1.5–4 mm wide; scapes rhomboid in crosssection (2n=32) ................ A. spurium 각시두메부추

    2. Leaf blades 4–10 mm wide; scapes clearly flattenedwinged in cross-section (2n=16) .......... A. spirale 참두메부추

1. Leaf sheaths exposed above ground; leaf blades fleshy, glaucous; perianths radially spreading; inner tepals elliptical; inner filaments entire or toothed at margin.

    3. Leaf blades 2.8–4.5 mm wide; scapes subterete in crosssection, 11.7–20.5 mm long; inner tepals 3.5–4.7 mm long,

        1–1.8 mm wide; outer tepals 3.4–4 mm long, 0.8–1.2 mm wide; filaments non-exserted, 3.8–4.8 mm long; capsules

        3.5–3.7 mm long, 3.6–4 mm wide; seeds 2–2.2 mm long, 1.3–1.5 mm wide; flowering from May to August (2n=16)

        ... ........................................................................................ A. minus 좀부추

    3. Leaf blades 3.8–15 mm wide; scapes subterete to rhom- boid in cross-section, 23.4–70 mm long; inner tepals

        6–7 mm long, 2.5–3.5 mm wide; outer tepals 4.5–5.5 mm long, 2–2.7 mm wide; filaments exserted, 6.2–11.0 mm

        long; cap- sules 4.5–5.6 mm long, 4.5–5.8 mm wide; seeds 3–3.8 mm long, 2.2–2.6 mm wide; flowering from August

        to October (2n=32).

        4. Rhizomes oblique; pedicels not slender; perianths reddish pink; inner filaments narrowly triangular, entire at

           margin; inner tepals 3–3.4 mm wide; anthers reddish; ovaries 3–3.5 mm wide .......... A. senescens 두메부추

       4. Rhizomes horizontal; pedicels slender; perianths pale pink; inner filaments subulate, entire or 2-toothed at

           margin; inner tepals 2.5–3 mm wide; anthers yellowish; ovaries 2.2–2.6 mm wide .

          ........................................... ............ ........... ......... .. ................. ......... ..... ...... A. pseudosenescen







아래는 구글에 각시두메부추 학명으로 올라와 있는 건데 화경에 

날개가 없고 단면이 마름모형인 점으로 미루어 볼 때 

각시두메부추인 듯.




아래는 각시두메부추인 듯



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